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CE-5 Energy Expansion 23 - 29 February 2020, ÅŒtautahi, Aotearoa

28.02.2020 - Indoor Meditations, Energy Field and Communication

00:00 / 19:55

This is an edited version of the audio from our final night at Forest Lodge when we were indoors. The duration is much shorter than the original file as the sections where there is no communication were deleted. Time code of important points is written below together with the communication context.

02:26 "We bring our attention to the centre of the Earth, drawing her love and her energy up."

09:19  Tri-field meter lock on. In the original file this begins after a sustained period of silent meditation.

• 16:31 "We see millions of people across the world watching and becoming inspired [CE-5 film].

• 18:08 "We hold the space with this energy field, for others to know the truth."

28.02.2020 - Communication and Discussion

00:00 / 00:47

This is an edited version of the communication the majority of the team heard in the room with us. It is edited together with our comments about what we experienced and our general feelings about it.

28.02.2020 - Communication

00:00 / 00:08

This is an edited version of the communication the majority of the team heard in the room with us. This is unaltered in any way other than the edit from the original file with the gain boosted so it is easier to hear.

28.02.2020 - Group Sharing and Discussion

00:00 / 17:45

This is an edited version of all the experiences that were shared after the initial meditations. The sections of this recording that had no communication have been edited out.

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